Tag Archives: Bangladeshi people around the world

I will take legal actions against Grameenphone: Mahaan Fahim

1467235_10152537241063916_1673767752_nFor past few days a three and a half minutes video clip by Grameenphone has marked as a significant popularity among the Bangladeshi people around the world. The music video is based upon the International Mother Language Day, titled “Bishwa Gaibe Bangla Vashar Gaan“.

The song played in the video is the legendary composition of “Amar Bhaiyer Rokte Rangano, Ekushey February….“, song written by Abdul Gaffar Choudhury to mark the Bengali Language Movement in East Pakistan in 1952. The significance of the video is that it showed several languages being sang in that similar tune, translating the exact words of the song. See more news Clck our official site :